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♫♫ The Foundry Modo 8.0.1 SP2 Mac OSX x64 + Cracked ♫♫

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Foundry MODO 801 is the latest version of the former Luxology MODO. The Foundry (Luxology) MODO is an object modeling, sculpting, 3D painting, animation and rendering package developed by Luxology (now The Foundry). The latest version, The Foundry MODO 801 is released with its Service Pack 2 (SP2), the latest update, in August 2014. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems. Luxology MODO is that advanced 3D graphics software which was used in the production of such blockbuster movies as Ironman, Wall E and Stealth. MODO 801 is now a great competitor of different Autodesk Products such as Maya 2015.

The Foundry MODO 801 comes with redesigned artistic workflows, great design capability, game content creation, character animation and high quality graphics rendering. MODO 801 is designed with innovative creative features for designers and artists to give quality output.

Many things are improved in this version of MODO added with several new features. New features, such as Time Markers, Onion Skinning, In-between Tools etc. are added to the animation creation along with many improvements in it. New Wrap, Lattice and Bezier Deformers are added to extend the resourcefulness of The Foundry MODO 801. There are many improvements in the use of contents like Hair and Fur. Modo 801 allows you to paint curved surface using simple tools with its 3D Painting feature. Many new features are added for Game development and realistic 3D graphics creation.

The Foundry MODO 801 comes with redesigned artistic workflows, great design capability, game content creation, character animation and high quality graphics rendering. MODO 801 is designed with innovative creative features for designers and artists to give quality output

Many things are improved in this version of MODO added with several new features. New features, such as Time Markers, Onion Skinning, In-between Tools etc. are added to the animation creation along with many improvements in it. New Wrap, Lattice and Bezier Deformers are added to extend the resourcefulness of The Foundry MODO 801. There are many improvements in the use of contents like Hair and Fur. Modo 801 allows you to paint curved surface using simple tools with its 3D Painting feature. Many new features are added for Game development and realistic 3D graphics creation.

Luxology MODO 801 Features:
The Foundry Modo 801 comes with many advanced features out of which some are pointed out below:

Advanced Features:
Tool Pipe for creating customized tools
Enhanced flexible UI
Scripting in different programming languages (Pearl, Lua, Python)

Modeling Features
Advanced sculpting tools
Retopology tools
N-gon modeling

Animation Features
Layerable deformers
Morph target animation
Animate virtually any item

Rendering Features
Physical Sun & Sky
Interactive Render/Preview
Motion Blur
Depth of Field
3D Painting
Network rendering

Release Date: August 2014
Version: 801 SP2
Developer: The Foundry (Luxology)
Software type: 3D Computer Graphics

Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 7/ Windows 8/8.1 (64 bit editions only)
Processor: Intel Xeon/Core 2 Duo or AMD Opteron/Phenom
Disk Space: 2 GB
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 accelerated graphics
Screen Resolution: 1280 x 800

Mac OS X:
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.7, or later (64 bit only)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher
Disk Space: 2 GB
Screen Resolution: 1280 x 800

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